57.4 million Indonesians have received first booster shot of Covid-19 vaccine


57.4 million Indonesians have received first booster shot of Covid-19 vaccine.

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: A total of 57.4 million Indonesians have received a first booster or the third vaccine dose against COVID-19 infections as of Sunday (Aug 7, 2022) at noon, according to the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Indonesia added 323,760 new recipients of booster dose in a single day on Sunday, the task force said.

The country has set a target of providing COVID-19 vaccine shots to a total of 208,265,720 people. Hence, the country’s first booster vaccination has covered some 27.58 percent of its total target of COVID-19 vaccine recipients.

As many as 170,298.804 Indonesian people (81.77 percent of the total target0 have received second vaccine dose so far, or an increase of 48,126 from the previous day.

The number of people who have received the first vaccine shot has reached 202,735,128 (97.34 percent of the total target), or an increase of 47,630 people from that on Saturday.

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular Letter Number HK.02.02/C/3615/2022 that was addressed to all regional heads in Indonesia regarding second booster shot targeting a total of 1.9 million healthcare workers.

The second booster vaccination drive is implemented starting July 29, 2022.

Booster doses provide additional immunity when the immune response from the first two vaccine doses has decreased over time.

The second booster is given at an interval of six months after the first booster .