Indonesian VP leaves for Japan

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin left for Japan on Sunday morning for a five-day working visit aimed at increasing cooperation between the two countries.

During his visit until March 9, he will hold bilateral talks in Osaka and Kyoto to enhance cooperation, particularly in the field of Islamic economics and finance, according to his spokesman Masduki Baidlowi.

Apart from the bilateral talks, Amin will also deliver a keynote speech at a symposium at Kyoto University.

“The Vice President will share Indonesia’s experience as a plural nation living peacefully in a religious context,” he said.

Baidlowi said that Amin will inaugurate the Istiqlal Mosque in Osaka, which is the largest mosque in Japan, and engage in talks with the people in Osaka and Kyoto.

The Vice President, along with his wife and a limited entourage, departed from Jakarta’s Soekarno Hatta International Airport at 8:30 WIB and is expected to arrive at Kansai International Airport, Osaka, at 5:30 PM local time (3:30 PM WIB).

Upon arrival, they will be greeted by the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi, and other Indonesian representatives in Japan.

On Monday, Amin is scheduled to inaugurate the Istiqlal Mosque in Osaka by signing an inscription. Later that day, he will attend the Indonesian National Dialogue event at the Imperial Osaka Hotel.

On Tuesday, he will travel to Kyoto to hold a dialogue with Indonesian diasporas, meet with the Governor of Kyoto, and deliver a public lecture at Kyoto University.