President of Mongolia Visits New Uzbekistan Park

President of Mongolia Visits New Uzbekistan Park

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: On his official visit to Uzbekistan, President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, accompanied by his spouse, Luvsandorj Bolortsetseg, visited the New Uzbekistan Park. This visit underscored the strengthening ties between Mongolia and Uzbekistan.

During their tour, President Khurelsukh laid flowers at the foot of the Independence Monument, a significant symbol of Uzbek sovereignty and resilience. This act of respect was followed by an informative session where the distinguished guests were briefed on the park’s significance and the unique architectural ensemble it features.

The New Uzbekistan Park is a testament to the rich and diverse history of Uzbekistan, showcasing pivotal moments and illustrious figures from the past 3,000 years. The architectural ensemble within the park commemorates great commanders, world leaders, scientists, thinkers, and other outstanding personalities who have shaped the nation’s history and culture.

President Khurelsukh’s visit to this emblematic site highlights the shared values and historical appreciation that bind Mongolia and Uzbekistan, fostering a deeper understanding and cooperation between the two nations.