Uzbekistan: Chinese delegation visits Jizzakh region

Uzbekistan: Chinese delegation visits Jizzakh region

Jizzakh, The Gulf Observer: Hokim of Jizzakh region received a delegation led by the Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, Ms. Zhang Xiaomei.

Hokim of the region Ergash Soliyev informed about the economic, social, and investment potential of Jizzakh and the projects being implemented in the region.

At the meeting, it was noted that a regional delegation led by Ergash Soliyev visited China in May this year. It was emphasized that the quality of cooperation between Jizzakh region and Hubei province is rising to a new level.

A Trade and Economic Cooperation Protocol was signed between Jizzakh region and Shandong province. It promotes the expansion of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, the implementation of joint projects, and the establishment of contacts between business community representatives.

There are 40 Uzbekistan – China enterprises in Jizzakh region. One of them produces cars under the Chery brand of Chery Automobile and electric vehicles under the BYD brand.

Ms. Zhang Xiaomei highly appreciated the cooperation between the two countries and proposed implementing new promising projects within the framework of collaboration between Jizzakh region and Hubei province.

The head of Jizzakh region informed the delegation members about the activities of Jizzakh Regional Branch of IT Park, the conditions created, and regularly held events. The Presidential School in Jizzakh, Sambhram University, the Regional Central Library named after Sharaf Rashidov, and the confectionery production enterprise Iruskon made a great impression.