London: Former PMs arrive at Westminster Abbey

The Queen's former prime ministers have arrived at Westminster Abbey .

London, The Gulf Observer: The Queen’s former prime ministers have arrived at Westminster Abbey in the last few moments. Among them is Boris Johnson with his wife Carrie, and David and Samantha Cameron.

John Major, Tony Blair with wife Cherie Blair, and Gordon and Sarah Brown have also all arrived. Royal correspondent Rhiannon Mills said: “I spoke to Tony Blair and he described how there was no one else in his life where he could have those truly quiet conversations, knowing 100 percent that everything that was said in that room would stay within those four walls.

“People often talk about how lonely it can be in that position of power, and you would have had a monarch – prime minister meeting every week able to share those experiences.”

Royal correspondent Rhiannon Mills said: “I spoke to Tony Blair and he described how there was no one else in his life where he could have those truly quiet conversations, knowing 100 percent that everything that was said in that room would stay within those four walls.

“People often talk about how lonely it can be in that position of power, and you would have had a monarch – prime minister meeting every week able to share those experiences.”