Uzbekistan students win 13th International Maqom Festival

13th International Maqom Festival

Baku, The Gulf Observer: Baku hosted the 13th International Maqom Festival. It was attended by six participants from Uzbekistan under 16.

Following the event, a student of the Republican Specialized Music School named after R. Glier, Umarjon Akmalov, took first place, a student of the Children’s School of Music and Art No. 1 of Namangan region, Madina Karimjonova, and a student of the Republican Specialized Music School named after R. Glier, Sardor Narzullayev, the second place. A student of Bukhara Specialized Boarding School of Maqom Art named after Abdurauf Fitrat, Ogabek Akhtamov, took third place.

A student of the Republican Specialized Music School named after R. Glier, Umarjon Akmalov, was recognized as the youngest performer of maqom art.