Constraints on the Formation of Black Holes from Pure Light

Black Holes

The concept of forming black holes from pure electromagnetic energy, known as kugelblitzes, has fascinated physicists and science fiction writers alike. However, a recent study indicates that the creation of such black holes is virtually impossible under foreseeable conditions due to the principles of quantum physics.

Theoretical Basis and Challenges

General Relativity and Energy-Mass Equivalence

Einstein’s general theory of relativity posits that gravity results from the curvature of spacetime caused by mass. With energy and mass being equivalent (E=mc^2), concentrated energy can theoretically curve spacetime to form a black hole, leading to the notion of a kugelblitz.

Quantum Electrodynamics Constraints

Quantum electrodynamics (QED), a well-established theory, introduces significant constraints. When electromagnetic energy is highly concentrated, it results in the formation of particle-antiparticle pairs, such as electrons and positrons. These particles carry away energy, preventing it from reaching the critical density needed to curve spacetime sufficiently to form a black hole.

Practical Limitations

Laboratory and Natural Conditions

Calculations suggest that forming a kugelblitz would require light intensities more than 10^50 times greater than current state-of-the-art laser pulses. This requirement is far beyond any achievable technological or natural phenomenon. Even the brightest quasars, which are the most luminous objects in the universe, are vastly too dim to initiate the formation of a kugelblitz.

Implications and Potential Loopholes

Current Universe Limitations

According to Eduardo Martín-Martínez and his colleagues, no known artificial or natural source in the current universe can produce the conditions necessary for a kugelblitz. This finding closes the door on contemporary efforts to create black holes from light and questions the feasibility of using such phenomena for futuristic technologies like spacecraft propulsion.

Early Universe Possibilities

Despite the limitations in the current universe, theoretical physicist Juan García-Bellido suggests a potential loophole. In the early universe, during a phase known as inflation, rapid expansion could have caused fluctuations in spacetime curvature. These fluctuations might have allowed light to collapse into primordial black holes, a concept somewhat analogous to kugelblitzes. This idea aligns with the notion that certain conditions unique to the early universe could have facilitated phenomena that are otherwise impossible today.


The recent study underscores the significant challenges in forming black holes purely from light, highlighting the pivotal role of quantum effects in limiting such possibilities. While the notion of a kugelblitz remains a captivating theoretical idea, practical attempts to create one face insurmountable obstacles under current and foreseeable conditions. However, the early universe’s unique conditions provide a tantalizing avenue for further exploration, suggesting that while kugelblitzes are unlikely now, they may have been possible in the universe’s nascent moments.