Jokowi Encourages Entrepreneurial Spirit at Mekaar Program Gathering in Bekasi

Jokowi Encourages Entrepreneurial Spirit at Mekaar Program Gathering in Bekasi

Jakarta, The Gulf Obsever: President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) engaged with mentees and mentors of the Prosperous Family Economy (Mekaar) Program during a special meeting held at the Basket Sports Complex (GOR) in Bekasi City on Friday. The head of state, accompanied by key officials including Minister of State-owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan, and Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin, arrived at 10 a.m. local time to interact with participants of the Mekaar program.

The Mekaar initiative, supported by micro-funding from Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), welcomed President Jokowi and showcased the vibrant spirit of entrepreneurship among its members. The president expressed his delight at meeting PNM members and acknowledged the enthusiasm displayed by the women actively participating in the event.

President Jokowi emphasized the importance of enthusiasm, discipline, and hard work as essential elements for achieving success in business. He shared insights from his own entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the dedication and long hours he invested in building his business from Solo, Central Java, to Jakarta, and eventually reaching the export market.

Addressing the 4,285 PNM members who have diligently worked on their businesses, President Jokowi underscored the significance of commitment to paying installments on time. He urged participants to refrain from using loan funds for non-business-related expenses, emphasizing the potential consequences of such actions.

The gathering provided a platform for President Jokowi to motivate and inspire participants, reinforcing the principles of entrepreneurship and financial responsibility. The event showcased the government’s commitment to supporting micro-entrepreneurs through programs like Mekaar, aiming to foster economic growth and empower individuals in building sustainable businesses.