Lavrov announces plans to hold summit of Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian leaders

Lavrov announces plans to hold summit of Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian leaders

Moscow, The Gulf Observer: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced plans to hold another summit of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia later this year, following a trilateral meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Jeyhun Bayramov and Ararat Mirzoyan, in Moscow, according to media reports.

“We will continue our robust efforts to prepare further meetings, including organizing a summit of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia within this year,” Lavrov stated.

The Foreign Minister also emphasized commitment to resuming dialogue between representatives of civil society and political scientists.

“We hope for initiating a trilateral dialogue through parliamentarians,” said Lavrov, expressing hope for the continuation of the negotiation process.

Lavrov acknowledged the interest of both the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides in using mediators beyond Russia and welcomed sincere efforts from other parties to assist in finding agreements between Baku and Yerevan. He emphasized the importance of such agreements being based on the genuine interests of the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples, rather than for media headlines or geopolitical and domestic political considerations.