Omani Satellite Aman-1 Captures Inaugural Images of SOHAR Port and Freezone


Muscat, The Gulf Observer: Omani company ETCO Space celebrated a milestone as their Aman-1 satellite unveiled its inaugural images, showcasing panoramic views of SOHAR Port and Freezone along with the Western Hajar Mountains in the wilayat of Ibri.

Aman-1 represents Oman’s maiden venture into low Earth orbit, designed for satellite imagery, ground observation, and remote sensing applications. Launched on November 11, 2023, by the esteemed American company SpaceX, the satellite is now contributing to advancing capabilities in space technology.

Abdulaziz Jaafar, CEO of ETCO Space, expressed the company’s readiness to deliver integrated ground observation services, satellite images facilitating highly accurate data analysis, and the development of AI-supported systems tailored to the specific needs of both governmental and private sectors.

The release of Aman-1’s images marks a significant leap for Oman in space exploration and reinforces ETCO Space’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions in satellite technology. As the first of its kind in the country, Aman-1 holds great promise for bolstering various sectors with its capabilities in ground observation and remote sensing.