President Mirziyoyev Leads Meeting on “Yashil Makon” Project and Waste Management Improvement

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: On March 29, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a crucial meeting aimed at advancing the implementation of the “Yashil Makon” (Green Space) project and enhancing waste management practices across Uzbekistan.
A significant aspect of the project entails the planned planting of 125 million seedlings during the forthcoming spring season, alongside initiatives to create parks and plant trees along roads in ten rows across various regions. While commendable progress has been noted in Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, and Namangan regions, challenges persist in other areas, including the identification of suitable land plots for tree planting and the allocation of funds for irrigation and seedlings.
In response to these challenges, the Cabinet of Ministers convened to review the matter critically, resulting in disciplinary actions against 28 officials, including regional and district governors, for their lack of proactive measures in advancing the “Yashil Makon” project. Notably, the meeting underscored disparities in the responsible approach towards landscaping among different ministries and agencies.
To address these issues and foster greater citizen engagement, new initiatives were proposed within the framework of the “Yashil Makon” project. One such initiative, inspired by South Korea’s experience, involves transferring land from the district fund to improvement departments for 30 years, enabling residents to participate in tree planting activities. Additionally, a system has been established to provide interested parties with land along roads and canals for tree planting based on direct contracts.
Furthermore, efforts are underway to integrate tree-planting obligations into urban planning standards and licensing requirements, ensuring that at least 30 percent of the territory allocated for new construction projects is designated for tree planting. Similar obligations are being extended to the construction of multi-storey buildings across Uzbekistan, aiming to enhance green spaces within urban areas.
The Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change has been tasked with spearheading various green initiatives, including the establishment of green gardens and public parks, as well as launching the “My Garden” project. Meanwhile, a comprehensive waste management system based on new approaches is set to be introduced, with experimental initiatives planned for implementation in select regions.
In conclusion, President Mirziyoyev reiterated the government’s commitment to promoting environmental sustainability and improving waste management practices, emphasizing the importance of citizen participation in realizing these objectives. Reports from responsible individuals on the discussed issues were heard, underscoring the government’s proactive approach to address environmental challenges and enhance the quality of life for Uzbekistan’s citizens.