President Xi Highlights Importance of China-U.S. Education Exchanges

President Xi Highlights Importance of China-U.S. Education Exchanges

Beijing, The Gulf Observer: Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasized the significance of educational exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States, stating that these initiatives foster mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of both nations, particularly the youth. He described this effort as crucial for the future of bilateral relations.

President Xi expressed these views in a recent reply letter to Lamont Repollet, president of Kean University in the United States. In his letter, Xi underscored that the relationship between China and the U.S. significantly impacts the well-being of both peoples and the future of humanity.

Xi called on universities in China and the United States to enhance their exchanges and cooperation through various means. He encouraged the preparation of young envoys who are well-versed in the cultures and societies of both countries, aiming to strengthen ties and promote a deeper mutual understanding.

This call for increased educational collaboration reflects Xi’s vision of building stronger and more resilient China-U.S. relations, underpinned by the shared knowledge and friendship of future generations.