Samarkand hosts Save Aral race

Samarkand hosts Save Aral race
Samarkand, The Gulf Observer: For the first time in Uzbekistan, mass sports and sports of high achievements met on the same platform. Residents of Samarkand and Samarkand region took part in the Save Aral-2022 sports race, held as part of the IV Open Championship of Central Asia in athletics.
The meeting place for the participants of the race was the square of the Samarkand Regional Theater of Musical Drama named after H. Alimjan. The final point was the Arena Afrasiyab stadium. The leadership of the Khokimiyat of Samarkand region noted that the sports complex, restored and prepared in accordance with world standards adopted by the International Association of World Athletics, will become one of the best sports grounds for training runners in the future.
More than two thousand participants came out to support the autumn stage of the “Save Aral” races. They were joined by talented athletes of Uzbekistan – Sharifa Davronova, Jasmine Mansurova, Dilshod Usmanova, Sukhrob Khodjaev, as well as athletes from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Thailand and Malaysia.
For three years of holding charity races, the organizers have opened athletics for the population of Uzbekistan as an interesting, spectacular and accessible sport for everyone.
At the end of the race in Samarkand, the participants who showed the best results were awarded with memorable gifts and prizes. Athletes – participants of the Open Championship of Central Asia in athletics, non-professional runners and participants with disabilities were nominated separately.