Tashkent hosts a conference on Uzbekistan – A healthy and educated society

Tashkent hosts a conference on Uzbekistan - A healthy and educated society

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: A panel session “Quality education – a solid foundation for the New Uzbekistan” was organized as part of the event.

The conference, held jointly with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education and the Center for Sustainable Development, is attended by domestic and foreign experts, representatives of international and regional organizations, the academic community, civil society institutions, diplomatic corps accredited in Uzbekistan, as well as heads of state authorities and management.

Minister of Preschool and School Education Khilola Umarova noted the importance of the conference.

  • The event is dedicated to discussing human capital in New Uzbekistan, the role of education and science in its formation and development, – says Ms. Umarova. – Colossal changes are taking place in our country in preschool and school, secondary specialized and higher education, and the development of research institutions. The conference’s main objective is to acquaint the foreign public with the ongoing work in our country to develop human capital and reform the education system.

It was noted that 57.6 thousand children from low-income families attending state organizations of preschool education are exempt from parental payments. Also, 255.7 thousand children from 73 regions with low economic development received 50 percent benefits. Teachers for the system of preschool education are trained in 22 state higher education institutions. State organizations of preschool education are provided with modern teaching aids and didactic materials of 39 items.

At the international conference, specialists in the sphere and heads of foreign organizations highly appreciated the work carried out in the country to reform the education system, particularly the attention paid to raising children and improving the qualifications of teachers. It was also noted that the inclusion in the Constitution of articles securing the rights and interests of teachers is another important step towards the development of the sphere.

The UNICEF Representative in Uzbekistan Munir Mammadzade emphasized that the development of the state education system was identified as one of the priority areas of the state policy of Uzbekistan. He also stated that he supports every project and initiative carried out jointly with structural and educational organizations and ministries.

In cooperation with UNICEF, an alternative form of preschool education “Miscellaneous preschool groups,” covering 400 children, was introduced as an experiment in eight preschool education institutions of Namangan and Khorezm regions.

According to the information announced at the event, an outsourcing service has been launched in 1172 state organizations of preschool education to ensure healthy and safe nutrition for children. A book of recipes for preschool education organizations has been prepared with specialists from the World Health Organization.