Tashkent hosts Eurasia International Theater Arts Festival

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: The Eurasia International Theater Arts Festival, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has ended in Tashkent, the CIS Executive Committee reports.
Creative teams from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and a number of other countries presented their best productions at the festival site.
Actors of the Main Academic Drama Theater named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great brought the play “Ömür daragty” (“Tree of Life”) directed by director Eziz Ishanguliyev to the international theater stage. Based on one of the legends described in the book of the Hero-Arkadag “The Spiritual World of Turkmens”, the dramatic performance was created in parable aesthetics.
In Turkmenistan, this production, presented within the framework of the festival of national theatrical art, was awarded the first place in the competition for spectacularity and deep dramaturgy. As stage director Eziz Ishanguliyev noted in an interview, the ancient legend has not lost its relevance in the modern world. Family values, the desire to create a hearth and have children are brought to the fore. In 2021, the acting work of the performer of one of the main roles, Shemshat Kasymova, was awarded in the Best Actress nomination. The actress Dilshat Melyaeva also received the prize for the best supporting role.
The guests and participants of the International Festival of Theater Arts “Eurasia” very warmly received the production of the Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan. During the festival, Turkmen artists had the opportunity to exchange professional experience with colleagues from other countries, and also took part in scientific and practical conferences.