UN intervention in Northern Cyprus road construction unacceptable: Erdogan

UN intervention in Northern Cyprus road construction unacceptable: Erdogan

Ankara, The Gulf Observer: UN peacekeeping force’s intervention in Northern Cyprus road construction was “unacceptable,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said on Monday, according to the Anadolu Agency.

“The physical intervention of UN peacekeeping force soldiers on the territory that falls under the sovereignty of the TRNC is never acceptable to us,” Erdogan said after the Cabinet meeting in the capital Ankara.

Erdogan’s remarks came after the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) last week intervened in road construction work to link the Turkish Cypriot village of Pile in the buffer zone with the rest of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

The road expansion is strategically important for residents as it will give them more options to reach Pile, where Turks and Greek Cypriots live together.

The Greek Cypriot Administration and the UN are opposed to the project.

Residents of Pile will be able to travel shorter distances and will not have to pass through British bases when crossing to the Turkish side as a result of the 11.6 kilometers (7.2 miles) construction and repair work.

The first 7.5 kilometers (4.7 miles) of the road will pass through Yigitler, and the second 4.1 kilometers (2.5 miles) will pass through Pile.

“It is neither legal nor humane to prevent Turkish Cypriots living in Pile village from reaching their homeland,” Erdogan said.

The president also stressed that the peacekeeping force overshadowed its impartiality with physical intervention to villagers in Northern Cyprus, and unfortunate statements.

“What is expected from the UN is to contribute to resolving the humanitarian needs of all parties on the Island by truly representing its name, instead of demonstrating destabilizing behavior,” he added.

Erdogan said tensions in the region have escalated again due to these attitudes that are “incompatible” with international law.

“We certainly do not find this intervention in good faith at a time when we are trying to mutually strengthen our relations with our neighbors and clear up the problems between us.”

Türkiye, as a guarantor state, will not allow “faits accomplis and unlawful acts” on the Cyprus island, especially in the buffer zone, Erdogan stressed.

“We will not leave our Turkish Cypriot brothers alone with the uncompromising attitude of the Greek Cypriot side that imposes their unjust and unilateral demands,” he added.

Erdogan also criticised the EU’s statement on the issue, dubbing it “unfortunate.”

“Our struggle will continue until the equal sovereignty and equal international status of the TRNC is confirmed by the whole world,” he added.