Uzbekistan Constitutional reforms are the legal basis of sustainable development

As a result of rapid reforms carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the last 5-6 years, radical changes are taking place in all aspects of the social life of the population. Today, Uzbekistan is taking its proper place in the world community. Most countries in the world openly recognize that the economy of Uzbekistan is developing at a high speed based on market principles, that democratic reforms that meet high standards are being implemented, that great changes are taking place in the social, cultural and educational spheres, and that human dignity Constitutional reforms are the legal basis of sustainable development.
It goes without saying that a strong legal basis is necessary for the implementation of such rapid reforms. In recent years, a number of new laws have been adopted in Uzbekistan, and a number of changes have been made to a number of laws. But such changes may not be enough to implement reforms more quickly. Therefore, it is natural that there is a need to make changes and additions to the basic law, all laws and other normative legal documents, i.e. the Constitution. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat M. Mirziyoyev spoke about this need at the 2021 pre-election meetings.
In the congratulation sent by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, an opinion was expressed about the need to carry out constitutional reforms and its priorities were determined. Later, on the initiative of Shavkat M. Mirziyoyev, a section dedicated to the need for constitutional reforms was included in the second edition of the book “New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan”.
In the pre-election programs of all political parties, opinions were expressed about the need to make a number of changes to the legislation. In order to implement these reforms, the Constitutional Commission was established, and its main tasks are to develop the draft law “On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and for this, proposals from government bodies, non-governmental organizations, scientists, experts, specialists, and the population to change the main law. It was noted that it is necessary to collect and develop recommendations. The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the law on amendments to the Constitution in the first reading. The draft law was submitted for public discussion from June 25 to August 1. More than 150,000 proposals and recommendations to change the Constitution were received during the specified period, i.e. more than 1 month.
This is the expression of the people’s sense of relevance to the adoption of the document that is the basis for political reforms. It is very important to take into account the opinion of the people when making changes to the Constitution. Because as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat M. Mirziyoyev emphasized, “The people are the creators of the law.” Amendments to the current Constitution are introduced by a law adopted by the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis or by a referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat M. Mirziyoyev, proposed to adopt the amendments to the Constitution through a referendum. Naturally, changes are made based on the opinion and support of the population. Every citizen who has the right to vote has the opportunity to express his opinion. Of course, even if these changes were adopted by the Parliament, the opinion of the general public would have been taken into account. Because deputies and senators are people’s representatives.Deputies act based on the opinion and wishes of the population of the district they are elected to. But finding a solution to the issue through a referendum is a demonstration of true democratic principles. In this sense, the expression of the will of the people will be a real people’s Constitution. Undoubtedly, the constitutional reforms will provide a solid legal basis for the implementation of the tasks set in the New Uzbekistan Strategy, ultimately improving the welfare of the people and joining the country to the ranks of highly developed countries.