Astana to hold concert dedicated to Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly

Astana, The Gulf Observer: A concert dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the great composer Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly will be held at the Astana Ballet Theatre, Kazinform learnt from the Astana Ballet’s press service.
Kurmangazy is a great poet, Kazakh folk musician, akyn and thinker, whose work has left an indelible mark on the history of Kazakh literature and culture in general. His works are filled with deep meaning, inspiration and philosophy.
The Astana Ballet Theatre continues to delight listeners with interesting formats – this time, together with the performers of the symphony orchestra, the work of the great Kazakh composer Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly will also be presented by the national collective “Halyk Kazynasy”, complementing the sound with folk instruments.
The anniversary concert will be held jointly with the state central concert hall “QazaqConcert” named after Roza Baglanova.
The evening will be filled with vivid impressions of the harmonious combination of classical and folk musical instruments, steppe melodies and the inspiring message of Kurmangazy’s kuys.