New Study Challenges Existence of Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in Omega Centauri

intermediate-mass black hole

Recent research has cast doubt on the existence of an intermediate-mass black hole at the center of Omega Centauri, the Milky Way’s largest and brightest globular star cluster. Contrary to earlier findings, a new study suggests that the gravitational influences within the cluster can be better explained by a large number of smaller black holes rather than a single, massive one.

Omega Centauri, a dense and ancient star cluster, has long intrigued astronomers, particularly due to the possibility that it could harbor a middleweight black hole. Such a black hole, if confirmed, could provide crucial insights into the evolution of black holes across different mass ranges. However, the latest analysis by a team led by Andrés Bañares-Hernández from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias challenges this notion.

“What we found in our analysis is that the data favor an extended component [of stellar-mass black holes] as opposed to an intermediate-mass black hole,” says Bañares-Hernández. According to the study, which was submitted to on August 1, the central region of Omega Centauri could contain between 10,000 and 20,000 stellar-mass black holes, whose combined mass ranges from 200,000 to 300,000 times that of the sun. This scenario, the researchers argue, fits the observed stellar motions without necessitating the presence of a single, large black hole.

The study does not entirely dismiss the possibility of an intermediate-mass black hole but suggests that if such a black hole exists, it would be significantly smaller than previously estimated—no more than 6,000 solar masses, much less than the earlier prediction of up to 50,000 solar masses.

The controversy stems from conflicting interpretations of data on star movements within Omega Centauri. An earlier study led by Maximilian Häberle of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy claimed that seven stars near the cluster’s center are moving at such high speeds that they must be orbiting an intermediate-mass black hole. Häberle, who stands by his team’s original conclusions, declined to comment on the new findings until they are formally published.

The new study’s conclusions are bolstered by a detailed analysis of the motions of ordinary stars and millisecond pulsars within Omega Centauri. Millisecond pulsars, which spin rapidly and emit regular radio pulses, provide precise data on their velocities and accelerations. This information, in turn, reveals how mass is distributed throughout the cluster. The stability and clarity of these pulsar signals make them particularly reliable for such studies.

Simon Portegies Zwart, an astronomer at Leiden Observatory, praises this method as one of the best available, noting that it offers a “very clear signal of what’s going on” in the star cluster. However, he remains skeptical about the existence of an intermediate-mass black hole, stating that conclusive proof would require observing a star orbiting an invisible, massive object or detecting the glow of gas being consumed by a black hole.

The astronomical community remains divided. Some, like Gerry Gilmore of the University of Cambridge, argue that the new study offers the most convincing explanation yet by accounting for the presence of dim stellar populations like neutron stars and smaller black holes. Others, including Daryl Haggard of McGill University, find the evidence for a middleweight black hole “pretty compelling,” suggesting that the observed high-speed stars could indeed be under the influence of such a massive entity.

The debate over Omega Centauri’s hidden mysteries continues, with further observations and analyses needed to reach a definitive conclusion. For now, the exact nature of the forces shaping this remarkable star cluster remains an open question in the field of astronomy.