Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Baku ends, final document has been adopted

Non-Aligned Movement Summit ends in Baku, final document has been adopted

Baku, The Gulf Observer: The Summit-level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in response to COVID-19 in Baku ends. Thank you to each and every one of you for being here, said Jeyhun Bayramov, Azerbaijan Foreign Minister, media reports.

The minister said that although the countries on the platform have different historical, cultural and political traditions, there are common principles.

“We held fruitful meetings and discussed important bilateral agendas within the framework of this summit. Members of the National Assembly became active when the pandemic broke out. During the post-pandemic period, we must devise effective solutions for recovery “the minister emphasized.

Jeyhun Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan has taken a number of initiatives since the beginning of the pandemic and received full support from these initiatives.

“Today, we discussed climate change, food security, peace, and other global issues. Today, Azerbaijan’s President announced two initiatives, one of which is related to post-pandemic assistance to small island states and African countries. We believe that the international community will support our initiative. We will hand over our chairmanship to Uganda at the end of this year. Although our chairmanship is over, our activism on this platform and our determination to realize its principles will not end,” the Foreign Minister noted.

In the end, the document on the conclusions of the Summit meeting was adopted.