Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova, grandmother of Turkmen President, passes away at 86

Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova, grandmother of Turkmen President, passes away at 86

Ashgabat, The Gulf Observer: Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova, grandmother of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and mother of National Leader of Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has passed away aged 86, the official Turkmen media reported on Saturday.

“The blessed memory of Ogulabat eje, whose life became a perfect example of loyalty to the people, the motherland and the family, the upbringing of the younger generation on the basis of noble qualities, love, care for the preservation and continuation of national traditions and art, will forever remain in our hearts,” the message says.

Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova was born on June 15, 1937 in Babarap village of Gokdepe district. Since her early years she was distinguished by love and aspiration to work, and these qualities helped her easily overcome difficulties of life.

Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova did much to bring up her six children in the spirit of human ideals and love for the Motherland so that they could become well-educated and respected people. She perfectly understood the sanctity of family, saw the meaning of life in diligent work, adherence to the national principles, and her wisdom manifested itself in all this.