President Xi Speech: A Message of Hope

President Xi Jinping delivered a comprehensive and forward-looking speech at 20th National Congress. He delivered speech at a time when world is facing multifaceted and complicated challenges. World is struggling to overcome the challenges of COVID-19, climate change, poverty, energy, and food insecurity. On other hand, economic crisis is creeping in with alarming speed. It has threatened the social and economic system of world. Higher inflation and lower growths are new normal in global scenario. World is struggling to find answers for these questions and looking for opportunities to reverse the process, but with limited success.
In this context, speech of President Xi is extremely important because policies of China influence the global system. Being a major power, every policy or action of China have relevance for global economic and political landscape. There is consensus among the community of experts and policy makers that economic performance of China has determinantal impacts on global economy and politics. President Xi is cognizant of this new reality and delivered speech by keeping in mind global political, security and economic situation and complications.
President Xi Jinping started his speech by congratulating Chinese nation for their marvelous achievements. He declared that China has accomplished the task of first century goal by ushering new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, eradication of poverty and building a moderately prosper country. However, it is not end of work, rather it is beginning of new journey to achieve second century goal, developed, prosper country and responsible major power. However, in new endeavors China will have to keep philosophy of people centered development and people first policy at heart of all future policies and actions. He also proposed new drivers of economic growth and sustainability.
Second, he prescribed “common prosperity” as key goal for future economic and development policies. He was of view that “Common Prosperity” should be achieved without compromising on the market needs, efficiency and greater role of market. It is a new concept, which is extremely important at this point of time. As, mankind is facing economic and development challenges and existing economic model is unable to present solution. Therefore, it is expected that new concept of common prosperity can help world, especially common citizens to find solutions. But the real challenge would be, how to regulate the markets, which can ensure common prosperity without compromising on the efficiency and leading role of market. President Xi is aware of this dimension and is working for many years to define the right set of policies and policy tools like eco-civilization, new philosophy of development, dual circulation model, 14th Five-Year plan, Vision 2035 etc. These all documents and policies carries extremely important lessons to understand and implement the philosophy of common prosperity and market.
Third, President Xi highlighted the importance of environment and shared the success story of China. He emphasized to further enhance role of environment in economic decision making and implementation. New philosophy of development and high-quality development led by innovation will be leading instrument to protect environment and achieve goal of eco-civilization.
Fourth, President Xi talked about the value and importance of Whole Process Democracy. Whole Process Democracy is unique model which is based on continuous two-way interaction and follow the principles of core socialist values. It provides basis for the people centric development policies and actions. Owing to whole process democracy and people centric approach China was able to build the biggest education, health and social security systems.
Fifth, President Xi put a lot of importance on the proactive and positive role of youth to define the future of country. For that purpose, China will be putting education at highest priority and provide exemplary opportunities for youth to polish their skills. He advised youth to aim high but always stay grounded. It is extremely important advice because it is required to denounce arrogance, remain humble and keep on working for betterment of society, country and humanity.
Sith, President Xi rightly focusses on the need to produce quality leadership to steer the Party and country. He pinpoints the importance of wisdom, competency, integrity, and core socialist values for quality leadership. Strong and capable leaders are required to build strong socialist country. He specially urged primary leadership to act as role model for society by following the higher standards of leaderships and core socialist values. He urged CPC leadership take on job of creating unity among ethnicities and steer the nations to national rejuvenation.
Seventh, he reiterated his and Party’s commitment to eliminate corruption, at all levels. He unambiguously announces that there would be zero tolerance for corruption. More importantly, he categorically mentioned that there would be no mercy for corrupt people.
On global front, President Xi reiterated China’s commitment to global system and promised to play a positive and active role. He urged the global community to work for enhancing cooperation by adhering to principles of justice, equality, respected and integrity. Second, he denounced the hegemonic behavior and described it as a major reason of global problems. He categorically highlighted the importance of sovereignty of nations and need to be respected by all. He opposed the third country interference in internal affairs of sovereign countries. He assured the world that China will never look for hegemonic power, neither China will interfere in internal affairs of other countries. Simultaneously, China will not tolerate interference in internal affairs of China by any country. He specifically talked about Taiwan and made it clear that Taiwan is internal matter of China and China has wisdom and capability to tackle it.
Third, President asked the world to work together to achieve the sustainable development, peace and community with shared future. China is ready to play its, rather China is already playing a positive and proactive role. Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative are leading examples of Chinese commitment to global development. China is also on the way of comprehensive opening up. It will create multiple opportunities for world and help to move on the way to achieve goal of community with shared future.
I the conclusion, from the above discussion, we can infer that President Xi’s speech carries message of hope in desperate times. The message is not only for people of China but for the whole world. He reassured the people that through cooperation, selflessness, and putting people at center, we can solve any problem.