Turkmenistan Population reaches 7.057 Million

Turkmenistan Population reaches 7.05 Million

Ashgabat, The Gulf Observer: Chairman of the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan Doveltgeldi Amanmuhammedov at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on Friday said that the results of the census held in Turkmenistan on December 17, 2022, showed that the total population of the country amounted to 7 million 57 thousand 841 people.

The final population and housing census was held last December under the slogan “Census 2022: prosperity, happiness, and a bright future”, the official Turkmen media reported.

According to the report, as of December 17, 2022, 22.9 percent of the population accounted for the share of Mary province, 22 percent for Dashoguz province, 20.5 percent for Lebap province, 14.6 percent for Ashgabat city, 12.5 percent for Ahal province, and 7.5 percent – Balkan province. About 50 percent of the population is male, more than 50 percent is female, 47.1 percent is urban; and 52.9 percent is rural.

Dovletgeldi Amanmuhammedov announced that the number of residential buildings in Turkmenistan has increased by 12.4% since the 2012 census, reaching 1 million 5 thousand 671 units. The number of apartments has also increased by 13.6 percent, to 1 million 344. The total area of residential buildings has increased by 24.5 percent, to 165 million 167 thousand 523 square meters.

The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers summed up the results of the work done by the country’s national economy sectors for six months of 2023, reviewed the implementation of the Presidential program, and other socio-economic development programs.
