Uzbek citizens vote in Türkiye

Istanbul, The Gulf Observer: In Ankara and Istanbul of the Republic of Türkiye, all conditions have been created for Uzbekistan citizens to vote in a referendum.
“Our citizens are actively participating in the referendum”, says Avazbek Khojimetov, Deputy Chairman of the 43rd referendum precinct in Ankara. – We constantly provided information on the day and place for voting on social networks. In particular, the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Türkiye paid special attention to outreach work. More than 70 articles were published in the leading media, telling about the changes in our country, the positive results of reforms, and the essence and content of constitutional reforms.
Business trips were organized to 14 regions of Türkiye, and roundtable discussions were held with the participation of representatives of political circles, businessmen, and the general public.
Uzbekistan citizens in Türkiye voted at the 43rd polling station for the referendum in the city of Ankara and the 44th polling station in the city of Istanbul.
On 19-26 April, advance polling was organized in Ankara, Istanbul, Bursa, and Antalya for our temporarily residing citizens.