Vietnam, Indonesia Strengthen Security Cooperation

Vietnam, Indonesia Strengthen Security Cooperation

Hanoi, The Gulf Observer: General Tô Lâm, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, welcomed Commissioner General Agus Andrianto, Deputy Chief of the Indonesian National Police (INP), on May 20. The Indonesian official visited Vietnam to participate in the third deputy ministerial-level security dialogue between Vietnam and Indonesia.

During the reception, Minister Lâm emphasized the robust and continuously developing friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Indonesia, which has significantly strengthened since the establishment of their Strategic Partnership in 2013.

Lâm highlighted the effective implementation of security cooperation through various agreements, including the extradition agreement and a memorandum of understanding on anti-terrorism cooperation. These agreements have facilitated the sharing of information on crime prevention and security coordination between the Ministry of Public Security (MoPS) of Vietnam and the INP, ensuring the safety of citizens from both nations.

The ongoing collaboration extends to multilateral frameworks such as the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC), the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters (AMMD), and the ASEAN Chiefs of Police Conference (ASEANAPOL).

Minister Lâm proposed that both sides should continue exchanging high-ranking delegations and maintain the annual security dialogue at the deputy ministerial level. He stressed the importance of implementing signed cooperation documents effectively to enhance crime prevention and citizen protection. He also advocated for advancing negotiations on a memorandum of understanding regarding the prevention and combat of human trafficking.

Lâm underscored the necessity for both countries to strengthen cooperation, regularly exchange information, share experiences, and closely coordinate in transmitting high-level messages and specialized cooperation. He emphasized the importance of preventing any individual or organization from using the territory of one country to engage in activities detrimental to the security and order of the other.

Commissioner General Andrianto expressed his desire for the INP and Indonesian authorities to further deepen cooperation with the MoPS, reinforcing the Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Indonesia. He hoped for the continued consolidation and development of relations between the two countries, promoting peace, stability, and prosperity for their peoples.

Earlier that day, Senior Lieutenant General Lương Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, co-chaired the third security dialogue with Andrianto. The dialogue reviewed the achievements since the second dialogue, addressing cooperation on issues such as drug crime prevention, human trafficking, terrorism, cyber security, and training Vietnamese officers for UN peacekeeping missions. The discussions set the course for future cooperation between the two nations.