128-year-old Kazakh cradle found in Zhanakorgan

128-year-old Kazakh cradle found in Zhanakorgan

Astana, The Gulf Observer: A 128-year-old besik (cradle) was discovered in Zhanakorgan district of Kyzylorda region, according to the reports of Khabar24.

The Kazakh besik was carved out of oleaster, called by people a “silver tree”. The item dates back to 1895. Its author is master Temirbek from Birlik village.

The unique exhibit was discovered by Rakhima Absattarova, an employee of a local museum.

The cradle was made without a single nail. All fastenings were also made of wood. The components of the cradle survived to this day too.

The uniqueness of the besik is that it was made without a single nail. It was made of oleaster, a very light tree, which enables it to sway for a long time even when pushed gently, Moldir Duissenbayeva, researcher of the Zhanakorgan district’s Museum of Local History, says.