China calls for solidarity, cooperation, focus on development, says Dai Bing

China calls for solidarity, cooperation, focus on development

Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN).

New York, The Gulf Observer: China calls on the international community to focus on development and enhance solidarity and cooperation, Dai Bing, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), said on Thursday.

Dai was speaking during the general debate of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly at its 77th session. Items on the agenda related to a range of social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues that affect people all over the world.

Development is the basis of peace and stability, and the key to solving economic and social difficulties and realizing the happiness of the whole world, Dai said.

The international community should focus to work together, Dai said, as challenges including COVID-19, regional conflict, and food, energy and climate crises, are intertwined. They have resulted in the struggle to stabilize the global economy and severe challenges in realizing the 2030 Agenda as scheduled, he added.

Multilateralism is the foundation of the international order, Dai said, and countries should adhere to the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, so as to reinforce complementary advantages and mutual help.

Developed countries should shoulder practical responsibility and offer more development resources to developing countries, to strengthen their independent development ability, he added. 

Noting that countries ought to explore their own development paths and patterns as national conditions and development levels differ, Dai said the international community should safeguard each country’s just rights of development, respect their own chosen paths, oppose hegemonism, power politics and imposing some countries’ will and unjust rules on other countries.

The international community should put the development issue in the core position in the global macro policy framework, deepen policy coordination and practical cooperation, and expand cooperative partnership for development, he added.

China, as a member of the big family of developing countries, attaches great importance to development and will positively join in global development cooperation, Dai said.

China held the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) in New York on September 20, announcing seven practical measures including the first list of the GDI project pool and advance in the Food Production Enhancement Action. China welcomes countries to join the group and hopes to jointly contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, he said.