Uzbekistan: Fight for transparency and responsibility

The fight against corruption remains one of the most pressing problems in the modern world. Currently, the cost of corruption is about three trillion dollars. However, it is impossible to measure the scale of moral harm caused to society.
Corruption is a real threat that undermines the foundations of all humanity, strikes at the economy, destroys the rule of law and sharply reduces people’s trust in government policies, and impedes the development of democratic institutions.
The protection of human rights and interests is at the center of the fundamental reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, and therefore the targeted fight against corruption has become one of the most important areas of state policy. In this regard, our country is taking consistent measures to introduce a system of prevention and uncompromising fight against corruption, based on advanced international standards. In particular, the necessary conditions have been created for effective and efficient public control over public administration by ensuring openness, publicity and transparency of the activities of government bodies and organizations, as well as the reporting of officials to the population.
It is worth special mentioning the strong political will of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the fight against corruption. A strategy implemented in accordance with the principles of systematicity, consistency and openness is a key factor for success in this area. Also, the presence in both chambers of the Oliy Majlis of committees on anti-corruption and judicial and legal issues is important in the implementation of parliamentary control. Moreover, government programs have been developed and are being implemented to counter this evil. The Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established, which is entrusted with the task of ensuring joint activities of government bodies, the media and civil society institutions.
An important mechanism of anti-corruption measures is not only the fight against the consequences of corruption, but also the elimination of the factors leading to its manifestations. In particular, this concerns the openness and transparency of the activities of government bodies, including financial ones; eliminating conflicts of interest when exercising control over the work of government bodies; ensuring the inevitability of responsibility for corruption crimes; strengthening guarantees of state protection for persons reporting information about corruption offenses and their close relatives.
At the same time, Uzbekistan closely cooperates in its work with such authoritative international structures as the United Nations, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and more. Our country became a member of the International Open Data Charter in 2021, actively participates in the Istanbul Program of Action, the Global Operational Network, the Eurasian and Egmont Groups, and on many other platforms. Acts as the Secretariat of the Asset Recovery Network in the countries of Western and Central Asia.
The traditional International Anti-Corruption Forum is held annually in Tashkent. In recent years, our country has risen by 42 positions in the Transparency International index, taking the highest place in the region. The goal is also to improve the indicator in this ranking and rise another 50 positions by 2030.
In 2023, the country rose to 30th place in the Open Data Inventory ranking, and in terms of the number of open data sources, Uzbekistan ranks 4th in the world.
The effective approach to combating corruption in Uzbekistan is reflected in international recognition. As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan noted at the ceremony of presenting the high International Anti-Corruption Award: “The establishment of a global award in the field of combating corruption, which is one of the most pressing problems of our rapidly changing world, and holding the award ceremony for this award on all continents certainly deserves high recognition. After all, the fight against corruption is the sacred duty of every person with a clear conscience, every democratic society and state.”
Recognition of merit and presentation of this prestigious award to individuals who are most active and make a worthy contribution to the fight against corruption in the world serves to consistently implement the UN Convention against Corruption, adopted 20 years ago.
At the same time, the efforts of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, at the global level, who shares his progressive achievements and investments with the peoples of the world, energetically and courageously fights corruption, along with common good aspirations, allows us to achieve significant results.
International recognition will give new impetus to the implementation of Uzbekistan’s big plans and objectives in the field of anti-corruption. In particular, this concerns the development and implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2030. Particular attention will be paid to further ensuring transparency of activities and increasing the accountability of government bodies, improving the open data system, strengthening the legal framework and institutional mechanisms of the sector.
The Anti-Corruption Agency’s potential is being enhanced by strengthening close interaction with foreign specialized institutions. Based on the most advanced international experience, new mechanisms will be introduced, the institution of “preliminary study” on facts of corruption – anti-corruption investigation.
On December 19, the opening ceremony of the monument – an open palm raised upward – took place on the territory of the Tashkent City International Business Center. This is a symbol of the fact that we all firmly shake hands with those who are participating in this struggle, who firmly and tirelessly follow the path of justice. And in Uzbekistan, such important work has become irreversible.