Al Budaiwi: A joint GCC-Russian action plan 2023-2028 adopted

Moscow, The Gulf Observer: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary General Jassem Mohamed Al Budaiwi confirmed that the 6th joint ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the GCC and the Russian Federation produced results and a joint action plan 2023-2028 that aims to serve the interests of both sides.
The sixth joint ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the GCC and the Russian Federation was held Monday in Moscow and was attended by the foreign ministers of GCC member states and the minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation.
In his statement, the GCC secretary general said that the meeting addressed many issues of shared interest in a positive and transparent manner, views were exchanged on many regional and global topics, and a joint GCC-Russian action plan 2023-2028 was adopted, seeking to bolster relations and exchange experiences in many aspects.