Ankhor-Lokomotiv Park in Tashkent hosts the Honey Festival

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: Honey festival of beekeeping and the sale of honey and honey products was organized at Ankhor-Lokomotiv Park in Tashkent . The event participants included more than 400 beekeepers from Uzbekistan and neighboring countries. Beekeepers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan are presenting their best products.
The exhibition presents propolis, royal jelly, mountain honey, cotton honey, and comb honey – more than 100 types of honey and honey products.
As part of the event, a presentation of new technologies and equipment used in beekeeping took place.
In the last five years, the volume of honey procurement has increased from 17 to 35 thousand tons. The number of beekeepers has reached more than 40 thousand.
The Honey Festival will run until December 10.