Chinese special envoy meets chief of UNRWA

Chinese special envoy meets chief of UNRWA

Amman, The Gulf Observer: Zhai Jun, special envoy of the Chinese government on the Middle East issue met with Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Sunday to exchange views on the situation between Palestine and Israel.

Stressing that the current situation in Gaza is deteriorating with spillover effects on neighboring countries, Lazzarini called on the international community to make joint efforts to push the parties in the conflict to realize a ceasefire as soon as possible, so that more humanitarian aid can enter Gaza as soon as possible and the suffering of the Palestinian people can be alleviated.

He said the UNRWA regards China as an important partner and is grateful to China for its long-standing political support and financial assistance to the UNRWA.

He also appreciates the emergency humanitarian assistance that China has provided to Gaza since the conflict, adding his agency is willing to strengthen its cooperation with China in order to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza as soon as possible.

Zhai voiced China’s concern over the continued escalation of tensions between Israel and Palestine and expresses its deep condolences to the victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and to the victims of UNRWA and other United Nations agencies.

The Chinese envoy urged immediate ceasefire and utmost efforts to protect civilians so as to avoid a more serious humanitarian disaster.

China has always supported the work of UNRWA and is willing to continue to make contributions to the agency to the best of its ability, Zhai said, adding that China is willing to push the international community to increase its assistance to Palestine through UNRWA so as to further improve the humanitarian situation in Palestine.