Domestic violence needs to be addressed seriously in Pakistan: Shazia Marri

Domestic violence is reality in Pakistan says Shazia Marri

Islamabad, The Gulf Observer: Federal Minister for Poverty Alleviation & Social Safety and Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme – Ms. Shazia Marri has said that domestic violence is a reality in Pakistan that needs to be taken seriously. She said this while addressing the launching ceremony of Policy Brief on Domestic Violence as key-note speaker. The event was organized by National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan. Women in our society are told to zip their mouths on gender based violence, she added.

Says BISP is playing a key role in providing financial cushion to the vulnerable and marginalized segment of the society

She urged those in power to play a vibrant role in order to protect women from domestic violence. She desired for the creation of a conducive environment in which women can fearlessly contribute constructively towards betterment of the society.

She quoted a study from International Labour Organization that by closing the gender gap by 25 per cent, Pakistan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can shoot up by 9 per cent which is essential for socio-economic mobility of the country. She expressed her dismay and displeasure over the fact that religion and culture were being used to protect the abusers. The matters are further aggravated by the very fact that women are advised not to speak about domestic violence by their own mothers, she added.

Applauds Policy Brief on Domestic Violence by National Commission on Human Rights

The Minister informed the audience that Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is playing a key role in providing financial cushion to the vulnerable and marginalized segment of our society i.e. women. BISP is providing cash disbursement to 9 million women head of families, she told the audience. Apart from this, BISP is also giving awareness sessions during pregnancy and antenatal health checkups to ensure mother’s health.

Ms. Marri applauded the Policy Brief on Domestic Violence by National Commission on Human Rights. Going through its content, she congratulated Ms. Rabiya Javeri Agha –chairperson NHCR- on preparing such a thorough document.