Indonesia and Norway Reaffirm Commitment to Balancing Forest Protection

Indonesia and Norway Reaffirm Commitment to Balancing Forest Protection

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesia’s Minister of Forestry, Raja Juli Antoni, and Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment, Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, have reaffirmed their shared commitment to advancing forest protection while promoting economic development.

In a written statement issued on Friday, Minister Antoni underscored the interconnectedness of development, environmental conservation, and public welfare.

“In essence, development should not halt, while at the same time, forests must thrive, and people’s welfare must be ensured. These pillars are interconnected and must not be separated in efforts to achieve food resilience,” Antoni stated.

Minister Eriksen praised Indonesia’s forestry policies as a global model for achieving environmental sustainability alongside economic progress.

“You have shown the world that forestry policies can align with new opportunities in the global economy and create new jobs for the people,” Eriksen said.

Highlighting the long-standing partnership between Indonesia and Norway in the forestry sector, Eriksen expressed pride in continuing and strengthening cooperation with Indonesia’s Forestry Ministry.

“We are proud of this partnership. I believe our collaboration is built not only on our shared high ambitions but also on mutual respect and commitment,” he affirmed.

Looking ahead, Eriksen stressed the importance of further collaboration, emphasizing that continued joint efforts in forestry management will ensure greater sustainability and economic opportunities.

“I believe our cooperation will grow even stronger in the future,” he added.

The discussion reflects the growing global recognition of Indonesia’s role in sustainable forestry management and its ability to integrate environmental protection with economic development.