Indonesia: Capital relocation chance to revitalize Jakarta better

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono has said that the relocation of the national capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan will present challenges and a chance for Jakarta to carry out better city revitalization and development.
“Jakarta will transform with the specialty of becoming a global city that functions as a main hub of world’s economic networks that has a binding relationship with other cities and directly impacts the social affairs of the world’s economy,” he affirmed in a written statement released here on Saturday.
The same day, he served as the inspector of ceremonies at an event held to mark Regional Autonomy Day 2023, themed “Advanced Regional Autonomy, Advanced Indonesia,” at the South Plaza of the National Monument in Jakarta.
“This regional autonomy day commemoration is a moment to reflect to understand the importance of a just and democratic government in a nation that has diverse ethnicities, cultures, languages, and customs,” he remarked.
He said that regional autonomy must be pursued in Jakarta to ensure a significant impact on development and governance.
He cited several advantages of this, such as improving the quality of public services, increasing community participation, and maintaining autonomy in managing taxes and fees for funding various development programs.
In addition, regional autonomy is aimed at giving the authority to regional heads to manage their potential independently, based on the needs and characteristics of their respective regions.
“As a follow-up to the President’s direction regarding inflation control 2023, I ask the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) to secure the availability of supplies, food price affordability, people’s purchasing power, and support the distribution and stability of the economy,” he expounded.
In a bid to boost economic recovery and the use of local products, the Jakarta government has said that the Increasing Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) Program must continue to be promoted sustainably.
“In line with the government target of reducing stunting prevalence to 17 percent nationally in 2023, we must make efforts for comprehensive and sustainable handling through coordination and synergy with all ranks of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda),” he said.