Indonesia to host 4th Budayaw Festival in South Sulawesi

Indonesia to host 4th Budayaw Festival in South Sulawesi

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesia will host the 4th Budayaw Cultural Festival in Makassar, South Sulawesi, from September 1 to 5 to promote the cultural heritage of four ASEAN countries.

The four countries are members of BIMP-EAGA (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area).

“Together, we contribute to world peace,” said Hilmar Farid, Director General of Culture at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The Budayaw Cultural Festival was first held in the Philippines in 2017, then in Malaysia in 2019, and lastly conducted online by Brunei Darussalam in 2021. The festival aims to strengthen relations between these countries.

This year, the festival has the theme of “Cultural Diversity for Sustainable Living.”

Farid stated that this festival serves as a means to preserve sustainable culture and cultural heritage as knowledge, while also providing an economic impact for cultural actors and the surrounding community.

As the chair of the festival’s socio-cultural and educational cluster, Indonesia plays a vital role in enhancing inter-community connectivity and cultural exchanges among the BIMP-EAGA member countries, Farid noted.

The word “Budayaw” is a combination of two words, namely “budaya,” which means culture in Indonesian and Malay, and “dayaw,” which means “to present with pride” in Filipino.

At the 4th Budayaw Cultural Festival, the four countries will feature a series of events, including workshops, exhibitions, art performances, dialogues, and cultural visits.

Each country will send a maximum of 20 participants, including dancers, musicians, exhibitors, and workshop speakers.

The exhibition will take place from September 2 to 4 at the La Galigo Museum, Fort Rotterdam, Makassar.

During this exhibition, each country will showcase flagship cultural products related to maritime heritage and the Jalur Rempah (Spice Road).

A culinary workshop is scheduled for September 3, 2023.
