Oman’s Royal Hospital launches new for atrial arrhythmia treatment

Muscat, The Gulf Observer: Oman’s Royal Hospital has inaugurated a global technology for treating atrial arrhythmia.
The Royal Hospital, represented by the National Center for Cardiac Medicine and Surgery, inaugurated a global technology for treating atrial arrhythmia within the framework of development and modernization in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders.
Dr. Najib bin Zahran Al Rawahi, Director of the National Center for Cardiac Medicine and Surgery, explained that the new technology is known as “Pulse Field Ablation”, and it is one of the latest technologies in the world to treat atrial arrhythmia, and is characterised by high effectiveness and few complications.
Al Rawahi stated that the Sultanate of Oman is one of the first countries in the region to use this new technology, as a specialised medical team from the Electrocardiology Unit at the National Center for Cardiac Medicine and Surgery performed three successful operations, and that the patients’ condition is excellent and they are in good and stable health.
Al Rawahi explained that this technique aims to stop electrical disturbances in the atria, which leads to the pulse returning to normal, as this process is performed using a catheter that is inserted into the heart through the femoral vein.
He stated that the Electrocardiogram Unit at the National Center for Cardiac Medicine and Surgery is one of the specialised units in dealing with cases of atrial and ventricular arrhythmia.
Dr. Najeeb bin Zahran Al Rawahi, Director of the National Center for Cardiac Medicine and Surgery, confirmed that the presence of such modern technologies contributes to providing the best health care services to patients.