OPF Developing Capacity Of Returnee Migrants

Provides trade-specific toolkits to enable them to start sustained self-employment
Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) in line with the vision of Prime Minster of Pakistan is developing the capacity of returnee migrants and providing them with trade-specific toolkits as an In-Kind support to help them start sustained self-employment.
A ceremony was organized in Islamabad under OPF’s Pak – German Facilitation & Reintegration Centre (PGFRC) where toolkits were handed over to 80 returning migrants in the fields of electrician, plumber, carpenter, and mason. These returnee migrants had also completed a comprehensive business development training from PGFRC in their selected trades.
Dr. Amer Sheikh, Managing Director, OPF shared that MoU between German and Pakistan governments has been formalized at a very important point in time and is the start of new dawn in the area of support to the Pakistani returnee migrants. This arrangement will support in counselling and introduction to employment or entrepreneurship measures.
Representative from the German Embassy, Mr. Tobias Becker Country Director GIZ, and Dr. Mansoor Zaib Khan, GIZ Pakistan said that PGFRC is playing a critical role in enhancing the capacity of returnee migrants and reducing unemployment rate in Pakistan.
The returnee Pakistani migrants, who received their Tool-Kits expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & HRD/OPF for supporting them to make a new start and achieve sustainable self-employment in Pakistan.