Palestinian Presidency Rejects International Administration of Gaza

Palestinian Presidency Rejects International Administration of Gaza

Jerusalem, The Gulf Observer: The Palestinian presidency has firmly rejected any proposals for the administration of Gaza by international forces. This comes in response to statements from Israel suggesting such a move.

“There is no legitimacy for any foreign presence on Palestinian territory, and only the Palestinian people can decide who governs them and manages their affairs,” stated Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesperson for the presidency.

On Sunday, the Israeli Broadcasting Authority quoted an unnamed security official who claimed that the Israeli army would remain in Gaza until an international force could be found to replace it, a process that could take several months.

Abu Rudeineh strongly condemned the suggestion, affirming “the illegitimacy of colonies and the displacement policy that the occupation authorities were trying to implement on the ground through bloody massacres.”

“We will not accept or allow the presence of a foreigner on our land, whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip,” he asserted.

Abu Rudeineh emphasized that “the Palestinian issue is one of land and statehood, not a matter of humanitarian aid. It is a sacred cause and the central issue for the Arabs.”

The statement underscores the Palestinian leadership’s steadfast stance on sovereignty and self-determination, rejecting any external administration or control over Palestinian territories.