Prophet’s Mosque receives 4.25 million worshipers in a week

Prophet's Mosque receives 4.25 million worshipers in a week

Riyadh, The Gulf Observer: The Agency for the Presidency of the Prophet’s Mosque announced on Tuesday that it had received more than 4,252,000 worshipers and visitors during the period from Dhul Hijjah 7 to 14, corresponding to June 25 to July 2, Saudi Press Agency reported.

The presidency has beefed up, in coordination with the security, service, health, emergency and voluntary agencies, it’s activities to provide the best possible services for the pilgrims, visitors and worshipers of the Prophet’s Mosque in ease and comfort, the presidency said in its weekly report.

The presidency organized and facilitated the entry of more than 271,173 visitors to greet the Prophet (peace be upon him), in addition to 75,529 worshipers who were permitted to visit the Rawdah Sharif. “More than 6,782 elderly people have benefited from the spaces designated for them and 14,766 visitors took advantage of religious lectures delivered at the Prophet’s Mosque. More than 4,703 have benefited from field awareness programs while the beneficiaries of religious guidance services stood at 11,534,” the presidency said while noting that a total of 46,138 gifts were distributed among the pilgrims and worshipers.

The presidency report indicated that 4,279 visitors and worshipers used the unified number and communication channels and 17,650 visited exhibitions. There are 3,001 beneficiaries of the language communication service, and 10,158 beneficiaries of library service, while 115,090 used various means of transportation, and 8,296 benefited from the guidance service. The presidency distributed 203,294 bottles of Zamzam water and 426,457 meals for those fasting.