Shavkat Mirziyoyev Vision and Referendum in Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoyev Vision

Shavkat Mirziyoyev has a vision for modernizing the country’s economy and infrastructure, improving living standards for citizens, and increasing international engagement and cooperation

Uzbekistan’s referendum on the law on the new Constitution will be held on April 30, 2023. The updated Basic Law is intended to consolidate the country’s strategic course for further reform of society and the state, which has had a positive impact on its foreign policy, primarily in the Central Asian region.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev has a vision for modernizing the country’s economy and infrastructure, improving living standards for citizens, and increasing international engagement and cooperation. This includes initiatives to improve education, healthcare, and the business environment, as well as efforts to attract foreign investment and promote tourism.

Additionally, Mirziyoyev has placed a strong emphasis on regional cooperation and diplomacy, working to improve relations with neighboring countries and participating in international organizations such as the United Nations.

The draft of the new Constitution reflects the major changes that have taken place in Uzbekistan since the beginning of large-scale reforms announced by Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the end of 2016.

Major amendments have been made to the draft new Constitution concerning human rights and freedoms, personal inviolability of citizens and their private life in criminal proceedings, conditions of detention, detention and detention. In the administration of justice, the use of evidence obtained in violation of the law is not allowed. Torture, violence, ill-treatment, and the death penalty are prohibited.

Mirziyoyev vision for modernizing Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoyev vision for modernizing Uzbekistan’s economy and infrastructure as a key part of his agenda. He has implemented a number of economic reforms aimed at liberalizing the country’s economy and creating a more business-friendly environment.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev Vision

This includes measures to reduce government intervention in the economy, improve the investment climate, and promote entrepreneurship.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev said once, our main goal is to jointly transform Central Asia into a stable, economically developed and prosperous region

In terms of infrastructure, the government has been investing in building new roads, airports, and rail lines to improve connectivity within the country and with other nations. Additionally, the government has been working to modernize and expand the country’s energy sector, including by developing renewable energy sources and building new power plants.

According to the International Labor Organization, under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the country embarked on the path of reforms, including the modernization of the former agrarian economic model and the rejection of the widely used practice of using child and forced labor in cotton harvesting.

Mirziyoyev efforts on education

Mirziyoyev’s vision also includes the development of the country’s tourism industry, as well as the agriculture and textile sectors, these are major contributions to the country’s GDP.

Mirziyoyev has placed a strong emphasis on improving living standards for citizens as part of his vision for Uzbekistan. He has implemented a number of social and economic policies aimed at reducing poverty, increasing access to education and healthcare, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

One of the key areas of focus has been on increasing access to education and training. The government has been investing in building new schools and universities, as well as providing scholarships and other financial assistance to students. Additionally, the government has been working to improve the quality of education by introducing new curricula and training programs for teachers.

Another area of focus has been on improving access to healthcare. The government has been investing in building new hospitals and clinics, as well as providing financial assistance to citizens for medical treatments. Additionally, the government has been working to improve the quality of healthcare by introducing new medical technologies and training programs for healthcare professionals.

Additionally, the government has been working to improve the housing conditions, increasing access to affordable housing and providing financial assistance to citizens for home repairs and upgrades. The government has also been working to improve the availability of basic services such as water, electricity and gas.

Overall, the goal of these efforts is to improve the standard of living for citizens and ensure that they have access to the resources and services they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Mirziyoyev vision about foreign investment

Shavkat Mirziyoyev has implemented a number of policies aimed at attracting foreign investment and promoting tourism as part of his vision for modernizing Uzbekistan’s economy.

To attract foreign investment, the government has been working to create a more business-friendly environment by reducing government intervention in the economy, improving the investment climate, and promoting entrepreneurship.

This includes measures such as tax incentives for foreign investors, investment promotion programs, and the establishment of special economic zones and free trade areas. The government has also been working to improve the legal and regulatory framework for businesses and to streamline the process of starting and operating a business in Uzbekistan.

To promote tourism, the government has been investing in building new infrastructure such as airports, rail lines, and roads to improve connectivity and accessibility within the country.

The government has also been working to develop the country’s tourism industry by promoting cultural heritage and natural attractions, such as the ancient Silk Road cities, and the country’s natural landscapes. Additionally, the government has been working to improve the availability of tourism-related services such as hotels and restaurants, as well as to increase the number of flights to and from the country.

These efforts are intended to create new opportunities for economic growth and development by attracting foreign investment and promoting tourism, and also to create jobs and income for citizens.

Referendum Impact

The renewal of the Constitution defines the path of Uzbekistan’s transformation into an open, democratic, dynamically developing stable state with a strong civil society, determines country’s more active regional policy in Central Asia.