Turkish Ambassador Highlights Deep Bond between Pakistan and Türkiye at Iqbal Commemorative Conference

Islamabad, The Gulf Observer: The Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan, Irfan Neziroglu, expressed heartfelt sentiments about the profound friendship between Türkiye and Pakistan at a one-day conference titled “Pakistan-Türkiye Friendship: In the Context of Iqbal’s Thought,” held at Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) to honor the birth anniversary of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, revered as the poet of the East.
Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Neziroglu highlighted the unique kinship between Pakistan and Türkiye, emphasizing, “Our borders may not meet, but Pakistanis and Turks are like one nation; their hearts beat together.” He further noted that Turks consider Pakistan as their second home, reciprocated by Pakistanis viewing Türkiye with the same affection. The Ambassador also reaffirmed Türkiye’s commitment to Pakistani students, mentioning the scholarship programs available to them in Türkiye and a commitment to increase these opportunities.
Vice-Chancellor of AIOU, Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood, commended the long-standing Pakistan-Türkiye friendship, describing it as a model for international relations. He encouraged students to draw inspiration from Allama Iqbal’s philosophy of “Khudi” (selfhood) and emphasized the importance of personal development for national progress.
The conference featured notable speakers, including Professor Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Director General of the National Language Promotion Department; Professor Dr. Zafar Hussain Zafar; Turkish Embassy Educational Attaché Dr. Mehmet Tuyran; Dr. Khalil Tokar, Director of the Yunus Emre Institute; and Dr. Syed Shiraz Ali Zaidi, Head of the Department of Iqbaliyat at AIOU.
Dr. Khalil Tokar reflected on the enduring Pakistan-Türkiye friendship, stressing the importance of passing down this legacy to future generations and praising Iqbal’s unwavering admiration for the Turkish people. Professor Dr. Zafar Hussain Zafar added insights into Iqbal’s lifelong solidarity with Türkiye, noting that Iqbal cherished every opportunity to express his affection for the nation.
This conference, part of AIOU’s Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2024, underscored the enduring values and shared principles that have solidified Pakistan-Türkiye relations, garnering admiration globally for their steadfast mutual support and friendship.