Turkmenistan Celebrates World No Tobacco Day

Turkmenistan Celebrates World No Tobacco

Ashgabat, The Gulf Observer: Today, progressive humanity celebrates World No Tobacco Day, an occasion marked by global events aimed at highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce its consumption. This year’s theme, “Protecting children from the interference of the tobacco industry,” underscores the importance of safeguarding younger generations from the influence of tobacco companies.

Turkmenistan has been at the forefront of tobacco control efforts, demonstrating significant progress largely due to the nation’s political will and commitment to the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. In a report published by the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper, Jeren Esenova, deputy director for medical work at the oncology center in Arkadag, emphasized the country’s advancements in this critical public health area.

Turkmenistan actively monitors international achievements in tobacco control, leveraging the positive experiences of other nations through robust cooperation with international partners, particularly the WHO. The WHO has recognized Turkmenistan as a leading example in the European region for its tobacco control initiatives.

Aiming to achieve tobacco-free status by 2025, the Government of Turkmenistan has emerged as the largest donor to tobacco control efforts in the European Region. The country has provided substantial financial support for the implementation of the project “Implementing the Ashgabat Declaration: A Tobacco-Free European Region.”

Turkmenistan has established a strong legislative framework to combat smoking and prevent the adoption of harmful habits. State-level initiatives promote healthy lifestyles and the development of sports, with continuous educational efforts reinforcing these measures. The country’s ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2011 has been pivotal in its fight against tobacco.

Awareness about the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke is crucial, as both increase the risk of numerous diseases. Active and passive smoking significantly impact lung health, leading to conditions such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. Children exposed to second-hand smoke face higher risks of lower respiratory tract infections and the exacerbation of asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

In Turkmenistan, May is traditionally marked by educational events, conferences, and round tables focusing on the harmful effects of tobacco. The month is also dedicated to lung cancer awareness, with extensive public campaigns aimed at identifying and mitigating causes of lung tumors.

As the world observes World No Tobacco Day, Turkmenistan’s dedicated efforts serve as a beacon of effective tobacco control, inspiring other nations to prioritize public health and protect future generations from the perils of tobacco use.