UAE announces priorities for June 2023 UN Security Council Presidency

UAE announces priorities for June 2023 UN Security Council Presidency

Abu Dhabi, The Gulf Observer: The United Arab Emirates announced human fraternity; climate change, peace and security; and cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States as the main priorities of its presidency of the United Nations Security Council during the month of June.

As President, the UAE sets the Council’s Programme of Work in agreement with other members, presides over Council meetings, and facilitates the adoption of resolutions and other Council products. Throughout the month of June, this will include 17 briefings in total, two meetings of troop-contributing countries, one Debate, one Open Debate, thirteen Closed Consultations and one Informal Interactive Dialogue, in addition to seven adoptions.

“We are pleased to assume the presidency of the UN Security Council for the second time during our term and fulfill our commitments, including securing peace, promoting inclusiveness, building resilience, and stimulating innovation,” said Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN. “By using all available tools, we can promote dialogue and bridge the views of Councilmembers so that we can create consensus on the most urgent global issues and fully implement the Council’s mandate.”

Ambassador Nusseibeh added, “Our Security Council presidency coincides with the proliferation of crises on the Council’s agenda, which threatens international peace and security and requires intensified cooperation in pursuit of creative and sustainable solutions.”

She also noted, “an integrated approach, one that focuses on building bridges, supporting constructive dialogue, and promoting multilateral action, is what we now need to translate our spoken commitments into tangible action.”

During the month of June, the UAE will convene three high-level meetings of the Council. “We can and should promote interfaith dialogue, address the impacts of climate change on conflicts around the world, and build stronger working relationships between the UN and regional organisations,” stated Ambassador Nusseibeh. “Our signature events will aim to highlight and build upon these critical priorities among Council members and the wider international community.”

On 8th June, the UAE will host a high-level briefing on cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab States. The event will aim to reiterate the importance of Arab-led solutions for regional challenges and explore strengthening cooperation between the two organisations on a range of critical priorities in the region, including counter-terrorism, women and youth participation, and humanitarian responses to natural disasters.

The UAE will also convene a ministerial-level open debate on climate change, peace and security on 13th June. The event will draw on examples from UN peacekeeping missions, post-conflict settings and cross-regional contexts to underscore the impact of climate change on the Council’s mandate to maintain international peace and security.

Additionally, on 14th June, the UAE will convene a ministerial-level briefing on the values of human fraternity in promoting and sustaining peace. The event will seek to address the gap between the Council’s focus on conflicts and the intolerance, hate speech, and the extremism that often fuels them. “The worrying rise in intolerance, hate speech, racism, and extremism undoubtedly fuel violence and divide communities,” Ambassador Nusseibeh stated. “As the world faces the highest number of armed conflicts since 1945, this event could not be timelier.”

During the month, members of the Security Council will also discuss a wide array of topics ranging from the renewal of peacekeeping mandates to broad and complex challenges spanning different regional contexts.

The UAE is in the second year of its two-year term on the Council. It previously served as President of the Council in March 2022.