Al-Shifa Hospital Director Reports Deaths and Abuse of Palestinians in Israeli Jails

Al-Shifa Hospital Director Reports Deaths and Abuse of Palestinians in Israeli Jails

Gaza City, The Gulf Observer: The director of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City has reported the deaths of several Palestinians in Israeli jails, citing causes such as interrogation, torture, medical negligence, and deprivation of necessary medications.

In a recent statement, Dr. Abu Salmiya emphasized that Israeli medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, have been complicit in the abuse and punishment of Palestinian prisoners by withholding required medical treatments.

He detailed the severe conditions faced by Palestinian detainees, who are subjected to both physical and psychological torture, and receive inadequate quantities of food. “Gaza prisoners lost, on average, 25 kilograms of their weight due to lack of food,” Dr. Abu Salmiya said.

The report underscores the harsh realities and human rights violations occurring within Israeli detention facilities, raising concerns about the treatment of Palestinian prisoners and the role of medical professionals in these practices.