Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization Commences Meetings in Jeddah

Jeddah, The Gulf Observer: Ministers and representatives from 22 Arab nations convened in Jeddah on Tuesday to inaugurate the 121st session of the Executive Council of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). Hosted by the Saudi National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, the two-day session, culminating on Wednesday, sets the stage for the organization’s forthcoming General Conference scheduled for Friday.
As reported by the Saudi Press Agency, the agenda of the meetings is slated to encompass pivotal discussions, initiatives, and proposals centering on knowledge dissemination, scientific progress, and innovation within the organizational framework.
In his address during the opening session, Hani Al-Moqbel, chairperson of ALECSO’s Executive Council, underscored grave concerns regarding the protracted crisis afflicting Palestinians amid the escalating conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Al-Moqbel unequivocally denounced the senseless violence, lamenting the loss of countless civilian lives, including women, children, and the elderly. He condemned the wanton destruction inflicted by the Israeli military campaign upon hospitals, religious sites, schools, cultural institutions, and essential infrastructure.
Under the stewardship of its Saudi presidency, the council issued a resolute condemnation of the persistent aggression, occupation, and forced displacement in Gaza. Al-Moqbel emphasized that such declarations transcend mere procedural formalities, embodying a proactive stance towards fostering Arab solidarity, upholding fundamental principles, and reinforcing shared values. Through cohesive action, Arab nations can effectively confront challenges and surmount obstacles hindering their progress.
Mohammed Walad Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, reiterated the organization’s unwavering commitment to showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Arab nations on the global stage. Embracing this vision, ALECSO has collaborated with multiple countries to secure international recognition for their cultural treasures on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List. Walad Amar cited ALECSO’s active participation in the UNESCO Culture and Education Ministers’ Conference held in the UAE in February as a testament to its proactive engagement in these endeavors.
The opening day’s deliberations also encompassed discussions on the educational, cultural, and scientific challenges confronting Arab nations, alongside innovative solutions and strategies to forge new partnerships aimed at expanding educational horizons and fostering intellectual growth.