Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Meets US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Meets US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Baku, The Gulf Observer: Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov engaged in discussions with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien on Friday, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry reported by media.

The meeting centered on various bilateral and multilateral issues of mutual interest, including the current status and prospects of Azerbaijan-Armenia reconciliation efforts and regional developments. Both parties emphasized the historical foundations and shared interests that underpin US-Azerbaijan relations across diverse sectors.

Minister Bayramov provided an overview of the post-conflict situation in the region and ongoing negotiations aimed at achieving a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia. He highlighted Azerbaijan’s commitment to peace and stability, stressing its role as the initiator of key elements in the peace process.

While acknowledging progress in the peace negotiations, Minister Bayramov underscored the importance of Armenia refraining from asserting claims that challenge Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as articulated in Armenian constitutional and legislative frameworks. He urged Armenia to amend its constitution accordingly.

Minister Bayramov further criticized Armenia’s military policies, noting their detrimental impact on regional peace and stability.

The meeting also included exchanges on a range of bilateral and regional issues of shared concern.

The dialogue between Minister Bayramov and Assistant Secretary O’Brien reflects ongoing efforts to strengthen diplomatic ties and address critical regional challenges.