China Calls for Immediate Ceasefire Amid Escalating Middle East Tensions

China Calls for Immediate Ceasefire Amid Escalating Middle East Tensions

Beijing, The Gulf Observer: The Chinese government has emphasized the critical need for a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in the Middle East amid rising tensions. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian highlighted the urgency of de-escalation following Israel’s recent strikes on Iranian military targets on October 26.

Lin reaffirmed China’s opposition to actions that violate the sovereignty and security of other nations and condemned the indiscriminate use of force. “The current situation in the Middle East remains highly tense, and all parties involved must refrain from actions that could further heighten regional security risks,” he stated.

Calling on the international community, particularly influential nations, to adopt a constructive role, Lin urged efforts to create the necessary conditions for de-escalation and stability in the region. China’s statement reflects its stance on promoting peace and stability in conflict-prone areas.