Chinese Ambassador Stresses Bridge Building in China-UK Relations at GBCC Anniversary

Chinese Ambassador Stresses Bridge Building in China-UK Relations at GBCC Anniversary

London, The Gulf Observer: Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Zheng Zeguang, underscored the importance of bridge building in China-UK relations and the pivotal role of the Great Britain-China Centre (GBCC) during the organization’s 50th anniversary celebration.

In his speech, Ambassador Zheng expressed gratitude for GBCC’s contributions over the past five decades, noting that the significant changes in the world and in China-UK relations during this period have provided valuable insights into effective diplomacy. He emphasized that successful diplomacy is fundamentally about fostering connections between people and promoting friendship.

Ambassador Zheng recalled hosting approximately 80 Chinese delegations in London last year, including representatives from Chinese provinces, cities, universities, and businesses. These exchanges have strengthened the ties between the people of China and the UK. However, he noted that inter-governmental exchanges are still insufficient and expressed a desire for increased interactions, including more students studying in each other’s countries.

Highlighting the importance of managing difficult issues and creating opportunities for collaboration, Ambassador Zheng stated, “The right way to deal with any differences is to respect each other’s core interests and, through dialogue and consultation, minimize the disturbance they bring to the overall relationship.” He identified numerous areas for potential cooperation between China and the UK, including trade and investment, financial services, renewable energy, and green technology. Additionally, he called for enhanced communication and coordination on AI safety governance, climate change, and the resolution of regional and international issues.

Ambassador Zheng also referenced Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s congratulatory letter to new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, expressing China’s readiness to work with the new British government to “consolidate political mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and intensify people-to-people exchanges.” He emphasized the goal of driving economic and social development in both countries while promoting global peace, stability, and prosperity.

The GBCC, an executive non-departmental public body of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office established by the British government in 1974, aims to support China-UK relations and foster understanding and cooperation between the two countries.