Indonesia’s Kanjuruhan Stadium Renovated to FIFA Standards Following Tragic Stampede

Malang, The Gulf Observer: All facilities at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang, East Java, have been renovated to meet the standards set by the International Football Federation (FIFA), according to Indonesian Minister of Public Works Dody Hanggodo.
Speaking in the district on Saturday, he highlighted that both FIFA and the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) inspected the stadium during its renovation.
“We believe the stadium is now suitable for international matches,” he remarked.
Airyn Saputri Harahap, head of the East Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW), said the stadium renovation focused on enhancing the safety and security of spectators, in accordance with FIFA regulations.
She added that during the renovation, authorities conducted an evacuation simulation to prepare for emergency situations at the stadium.
“Additionally, we have established a standard for this matter, targeting a seven-minute evacuation process,” she explained.
Harahap emphasized that the newly revitalized football venue now includes 16 seats designated for spectators with disabilities.
Referring to the 2022 Kanjuruhan stampede, which resulted in 135 fatalities and over 500 injuries, she said the tragedy serves as a lesson and reminder for all stakeholders to prioritize safety and security.
“We are adhering to all regulations, as our work directly impacts people’s lives,” she added.
She also assured that the renovation was carried out after consulting survivors and the families of the deceased.
“Given the stadium’s historical significance, it would be inappropriate to renovate it haphazardly,” Harahap concluded.