Gwadar: Pak-China friendship hospital will be equipped with modern facilities

Gawadar, The Gulf Observer: Under the game changer China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Project, the Chinese government is financing the Pak-China Friendship Hospital being built over 68 acres of land to be equipped with modern medical facilities for the people of Gwadar.
The project has been proposed for implementation of Phase-II of 50-beds hospital to be constructed under the Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) Business Plan.
The Friendship Hospital would create employment opportunities for the local masses as a total of 40 local jobs would be generated whereas civil work had started by November 2020 which was expected to be completed by December 2022.
Under the proposed project remaining medical blocks, nursing and paramedical institutes, medical college, central laboratory, and other allied facilities would be constructed with a supply of medical equipment and machinery.